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How to Write a Damn Good Novel - Part 5 - Enhancing Narrative Tension: Future Hints, Symbolism, and Dialogue Techniques - A reading log

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How to Write a Damn Good Novel

by James n. Frey

A reading log.

Part 5

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 May 14, 2024

Give your reader a hint about future events. Something like: "When she entered the store, she had no idea how life-changing the next moment would be." Hints to the future can help bridge boring passages. But be aware that hints are like promises. Don't disappoint your audience. Another thing are symbols. Objects that represent something to your character. Describe what the symbols mean and why they are important. But don't overuse symbols.

Chapter 6, page 135


May 15, 2024

Use indirect dialogue to make your characters seem more intelligent and make your audience more interested. Create suspense with dialogue and have your characters work through a conflict to a climax. Release the tension at the end of the scene. Shorten the scene where possible to get more speed. You can also cut a scene entirely for more humor.

Chapter 7, page 147


May 16, 2024

To create a good dialogue, first write a draft and then improve it. Use indirect speech and focus on the conflict to keep the tension. To make your story interesting

1. Be specific

2. Talk to all the senses

3. Be a poet

Tell your audience about specific details in the scene. Talk to all the senses by describing color, smell, taste, and feel. Use comparisons to be more poet-like.

Chapter 7, page 160

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