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AutorenbildHansjörg Schlüter

Consciousness - Part 9: Freud's Theory of Conscious and Unconscious Minds, and the Impact of Modern Society on Self-Alienation - A reading log

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Title: Consciousness
Part 9
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How our brains turn matter into meaning

by John Parrington

A reading log.

Part 9

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June 27, 2024

In the theory of Freud and other psychologists, humans have a conscious and an unconscious mind. While the unconscious mind is in control of our basic needs and thoughts, the conscious mind functions on a higher level and is able to correct the thoughts of the unconscious mind.

Chapter 15, page 141



July 2, 2024

Part of our consciousness is the alienation of ourselves. In modern society, the requirements to fulfill jobs became so high (you have to be very fast, very productive, or see humans as objects) that we forget to feel ourselves. We disconnect from our needs and feelings and are just functioning parts of a machinery. The ability of the human brain to rationalize things and ourselves helps to get through uncomfortable or even life-threatening situations. Unlike capitalism, which created a lot of jobs with the requirement to alienate ourselves.

Chapter 16, page 149

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