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AutorenbildHansjörg Schlüter

Consciousness - Part 8: Brain Wave Frequencies and Consciousness, Free Will Debate, and the Uniqueness of Human Self-Awareness - A reading log

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Title: Consciousness
Part 8
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How our brains turn matter into meaning

by John Parrington

A reading log.

Part 8

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June 21, 2024

The frequency of brain waves was in the past viewed as either essential for information transmission or as a useless byproduct of brain activity. Current studies suggest that the frequency of brain waves activates neurons on a specific level of consciousness. Basically, our brain is an electrical device and neurons are electrically linked together in several clusters. Which clusters are active depend on the frequency of brain waves.

Chapter 14, page 123


June 22, 2024

The concept of free will and self-awareness are highly linked to consciousness. But in philosophy, the free will concept is challenged by theories which say that we are just a part of a big network and our reactions can be predicted. Self-awareness might be unique for humans in the animal kingdom. Former studies on chimps which showed that apes also have self-awareness have methodological flaws (apes which didn't show the right reactions were sorted out of the study!). There is no definite answer yet to whether free will exists and if self-awareness is unique in the animal kingdom.

Chapter 14, page 131

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