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  • AutorenbildHansjörg Schlüter

Consciousness - Part 7: Brain Evolution by Chance, Organ Functions Beyond Machinery, and the Prefrontal Cortex’s Role in Personality- A reading log

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Title: Consciousness
Part 7
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How our brains turn matter into meaning

by John Parrington

A reading log.

Part 7

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June 17, 2024

The human brain evolved by chance and not by design. Darwin's theory of the evolution of species was revolutionary, and it is still hard to imagine that such a complex organ like the brain evolved by chance. But this is important to know and a key difference to a computer which was designed.

Chapter 12, page 105


June 18, 2024

In fact, all our organs have more than just their core function. The kidney is not just a filter; it also regulates our electrolyte household and blood pressure. So it is improper to see organs just as machine parts. And consciousness also has something to do with recognizing things. Babies are attracted to faces and at age 0,5 they can distinguish between familiar and foreign faces. Studies from brain injuries showed that the prefrontal cortex is highly involved in motivation and planning, which is a main part of personality.

Chapter 13, page 114


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