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  • AutorenbildHansjörg Schlüter

Consciousness - Part 5: Unraveling Human Consciousness: The Role of Neurotransmitters, Philosophical Perspectives, and the Impact of Language and Tools - A reading log

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Title: Consciousness
Part 5
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How our brains turn matter into meaning

by John Parrington

A reading log.

Part 5

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June 8, 2024

Neurotransmitters are the brain messengers. They are the chemicals which are exchanged between neurons. There are several chemicals with different purposes and complex mechanisms. Indeed, the mode of action is more complex than thought; not only the brain messages with neurotransmitters, but also all other organs do it. For example, Oxytocin is in interaction with the skin, with the uterus, but also with social behavior and our brain. Neurotransmitters influence our emotions and are therefore one puzzle piece more to human consciousness.

Chapter 8, page 74



June 10, 2024

There are several philosophical views on human consciousness. One says consciousness evolves from a blank page, one says consciousness might only be viewed on a quantum level, and the panpsychists say everything, even stones, have consciousness. The author's view is that the key difference between human consciousness and the consciousness of other species is language and tools.

Chapter 9, page 83

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