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  • AutorenbildHansjörg Schlüter

Consciousness - Part 2: Unlocking the Brain: The Mysteries of Human Consciousness and Neural Flexibility - A reading log

Aktualisiert: 28. Aug.

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Title: Consciousness
Part 2
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How our brains turn matter into meaning

by John Parrington

A reading log.

Part 2

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May 30, 2024

We know a lot about the functionality, structure, and mechanisms of human organs. Also, we know a lot about the brain's structure. But until now we don't know how it works. It consists of different types of neurons and glial cells. They are interconnected and communicate via electrical signals. But it is unclear where consciousness comes from. It is also crucial that we can't conclude from animal research on brains to human brains.

Chapter 3, page 33


June 1, 2024

Every organism with a little higher complexity has the same three basic neurons: sensory, interneurons, and motor. The human brain consists of different parts: Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Amygdala, Cortex, etc. Each part has specific functions. The complex things are processed in the Cortex. The cells in the Cortex communicate via electrical signals in specific frequencies. The first theories of how the Cortex works said that each Cortex part has a specific function. Newer research shows that the brain is very flexible and plastic. Damages of the brain can be compensated by other brain areas which will take care of the functions. But that has to be trained.

Chapter 4, page 43

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